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Thursday, November 27, 2008

It's been a long time, we shouldn't have left you.

Without at least keepin' you updated on what we've got goin' on. FreedomINFINITE has been MIA for a minute, but we're preparing something big for all ya'll. We're currently in the studio putting together some sickness and we'll be back out there performing for you all in the coming months and in the new year. 2009 is the time. Expect to see a new record out as well as a whole host of coolness. Hit us up at our Myspace and remember as always, FreedomINFINITE loves you!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

Bailout! Bailout!....Can I get a piece o' that cake?


Just like that the government is proposing a plan to spend $700 billion dollars to buy bad debts from failing banks. But we're not talking about regular banks like BofA or Bank of the West or Wells Fargo. Nah, where talking about the MEGA banks, the ones that most of us never even heard of like Goldman Sachs Group, American International Group aka AIG, and Merrill Lynch. The banks that own the banks we know. Banks that apparently support a large part of the American economy. These are the banks that, up 'till now, the rest of the world looked up to. Now these pieces of shit banks are falling apart and we gotta pick up the bill? The tax payers gotta front the money in terms of increased taxes on something somewhere, we don't know what just yet. Some say the cost of this bailout to us is estimated to be $2,300 dollars for every American man, woman and child. And we don't even get a say in it? WHAT?! How does that work? We didn't even spend that much on the Iraq war (est. $550 Billion, which many of us didn't want, and oh yeah, we had no say in that either!) Anyway, how does that work? And can I get a piece o' that? If I miss my mortgage payment can the government front me five grand real quick? If my Mama can't make her car payment can she get some free cake too? No, why? Oh, cause neither my mom nor myself are mega-rich. So you gotta be rich to get free money, oh...well that makes sense.

They say that this bailout is completely necessary because otherwise the American economy could completely collapse. At least that's the real talk according to Bush, the same dude that said, "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." and "I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family". So yeah, a man of that intelligence, I believe him. The reality is, almost every American's paycheck is at stake if we don't bail these fools out. But here's the thing, why weren't these mega banks being looked over in the first place? For example, Merrill Lynch paid their boss John Thain $15 mill to join the company last year. Goldman Sachs paid their boss Lloyd Blankfein $54 mill a year ago. AIG paid their boss Martin Sullivan $14 mill last year and they were approved for a federal bailout of $85 bill two weeks ago. Funny, it seems that maybe if these CEOs weren't spending so much time getting iced out, then maybe their companies wouldn't be in such a mess. But the part that really bothers me is the rhetoric. The spin that corporate America gets in it's favor regardless of what's goin' down. When times are good, it's all about how brilliant these CEOs are. How hard they've worked and how they've turned companies around from definite peril. When times are really really bad they need our help to buy back bad loans. But wait, who made these loans? And who signed off on millions and millions of dollars worth of loans to people who really couldn't afford the responsibility. Who signed off on these outrageous extensions of credit? There are reports stating that some credit companies, like MBNA, basically forced it's employees to push customers deeper into debt. Can you believe that? And the amount of money these cats made off these loans is ridiculous and now we, the taxpayers, are suppose to feel sorry these dudes when their bad financial decisions blow up in their faces. Especially when they well knew the risk, more intimately than any average homeowner owner looking for a better home or some extra cash. What's their punishment? A million dollar pension package, maybe? I mean, man! It's just sick on so many levels.

So what can WE do and what should WE do to make sure the government knows we won't take this lying down. This is bullshit, we work so long and so hard for our little bit o' money, we deserve better! WE are Better!

Bailout faces delays as Fed pumps cash

Credit card insiders tell of deceptive practices

Friday, September 12, 2008

Oh Shit!

Check out this sick promo video of "A Mic Wit Dim Lights" hosted by Besskeep. This video was shot by Triple G and it features Obi, Wisefool and a whole host of sick ass Poets. You can peep "A Mic wit Dim Lights" every Thursday out in the Arts District of Pomona CA. Click on the link to peep their Myspace page!

And as always, FreedomINFINITE loves you.

PS. you probably haven't seen us in a while. That's because it's Ramadan and Obi is taking it easy this month. Expect to see more of him in October! YES!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wanna see something sexy?!

No, it's not pornography--we don't get down with that. But this is definitely some steamy sensual wordplay brought to you by none other than Deshone of FreedomINFINITE. Also known as the "sexy motherfucker!" Someone says that in the beginning of the video. Take look at the snippet and as always, FreedomINFINITE loves you!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

August 16th Hattrix Performance Pics!

We've got video, and now we have pictures from our performance at the Hattrix Project Showcase. The next Hattrix showcase will be in Oct. We'll keep you posted on the goodness. We keep it moving. While you're here, purchase a track. Sick! Coming soon for digital download, "That's Gangsta," "The Truth," and "There He Goes, Again."

Deshone of FreedomINFINITE (smaller)

FreedomINFINITE @ the August 16th Hattrix Showcase (smaller)

FreedomINFINITE @ the August 16th Hattrix Showcase (smaller)

Watts 1965 W/ FreedomINFINITEFreedomINFINITE w/ Gil Soto (smaller)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

We're still keeping it moving!

We're still on indiefeed. Go ahead and check us out. Also, check out Radio Dentata and Vocalized Ink.org to hear us on internet radio. We'll soon have "That's Gangsta," "There He Goes, Again," and "The Truth" available for digital download. Our videos are still on youtube, so check us out. We'll have more up soon.